Wednesday, December 28, 2016

23 weeks - Baby #2

How far along: 23 weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: 18 lbs. This is accurate. I wish it wasn't this high already, but it is what it is :( I've been STARVING the past week, so I know it's only going to get worse from here.

Maternity Clothes: Yep. All maternity now for the most part. Every now and then I squeeze into a regular shirt, but they are too short and I have to wear something underneath.

Stretch Marks: Not yet

Sleep:  Eh, not too bad. My nausea medicine knocks me out.

Best moment this week:  Christmas!

Movement: So much!

Food cravings: Mexican. Water. Lucky Charms.

Anything making you queasy: Still throwing up.  I had a stomach virus Christmas Eve too. :( Guess I'm just going to be sick this whole pregnancy.

Have you started to show yet:  Yep. I showed much faster with baby #2! 

Gender prediction:  It's a girl! Leah Brooke.

Labor signs:  I've started having Braxton Hicks contractions. It totally caught me off guard since I never had those with Grant. They aren't consistent though and just 1-3 throughout the day.

Belly Button:  In, but getting flatter.

Wedding Rings:  Off :(

Happy or Moody:  Ugh so moody.

Weekly Wisdom:  Don't get off the nausea meds too soon.

Milestones: Enjoyed Christmas with our toddler and dreamed about next year when we have our whole family here :)

Looking forward to:  Starting her nursery. We wanted to wait until after Christmas, so now I can start ordering things for Leah's room. :)

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