Tuesday, December 13, 2016

21 Weeks - Baby #2

How far along: 21 weeks, 3 days

Total weight gain: I haven't weighed in a while. I'd guess 8-10 lbs by now.

Maternity Clothes: Yep. All maternity now for the most part. Every now and then I squeeze into a regular shirt, but they are too short and I have to wear something underneath.

Stretch Marks: Not yet

Sleep:  Eh, not too bad. My nausea medicine knocks me out.

Best moment this week:  We chose a name! Leah Brooke Martinez

Movement: Lots of movement. Feeling more every day.

Food cravings: Salad. Tabasco. Spaghetti. Queso. Mexican.

Anything making you queasy: Still throwing up.  I had a couple of days where I didn't get sick and took a gamble and skipped my nightly dose of Diclegis. I woke up puking the next morning.  I've been sick almost every day still.  I have gone a couple of days this week without being sick, so maybe it's lessening? I'm scared to skip my meds again!

Have you started to show yet:  Yep. I showed much faster with baby #2! 

Gender prediction:  It's a girl! Leah Brooke.

Labor signs:  Too soon!

Belly Button:  In, but getting flatter.

Wedding Rings:  Off :( It has been getting tight during the day since I type a lot, so I just started leaving it off a couple of days ago.

Happy or Moody:  Ugh so moody.

Weekly Wisdom:  Don't get off the nausea meds too soon.

Milestones: Past the halfway point! And we chose a name for baby sister!

Looking forward to:  Starting her nursery.  I bought the Christian Siriano sketches that the room will be decorated around, but we are waiting until after Christmas to really start getting the room done.  Luckily we only have to buy some décor since we get to reuse all of the baby gear we had with Grant. :)

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