Thursday, September 6, 2018

Leah - 16 Months

Age: 16 Months

New Stuff: Leah is such a spunky firecracker! It's been so long since I posted an update that I don't even know where to start. She is such a joy and makes us smile and laugh, but man she can be dramatic. Is this just a girl thing?? She swats at us when she doesn't get her way and is already throwing tantrums on the floor. MUCH worse than Grant ever did and it terrifies me to think of how the teenage years will go based on how she is at 1 - haha!

She loves to DANCE! She sings and gives us hugs. She blows kisses and waves to strangers.

Words:  She is a slow talker, just like her brother was. She has started talking a lot more the past week or so, but I struggle to decipher the words she's saying. She says clearly:

Momma, Dada, Bubba (brother), Night Night, Up, More, Thank You, Bubble, Bottle, Hi, Bye Bye

Other Stuff:  We had a health scare with Leah a few weeks ago.  She ran a fever for over a week and just got progressively more miserable.  Then she broke out into a rash and just cried non stop for days and kept grabbing her head.  After multiple trips to the doctor, he sent us to the ER for a CAT scan and a spinal tap to check for meningitis.  Once we talked to the ER doctor it became apparent that the pediatrician suspected that she might have a brain tumor... Thankfully all tests came back normal and after spending a night in the hospital getting fluids and antibiotics through an IV she started improving.  We believe it was a combination of vaccines, Roseola virus, sinus infection, and dehydration all at the same time.  Individually those things wouldn't make a toddler inconsolable, but all at the same time it was causing her a lot of pain.

She is ALL better now though! Fingers crossed that we can go a few months with no more big illnesses.

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