Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Leah - 1 YEAR!

Eye Color: Hazel


Diapers:  4

  She walks 100% of the time now!
Had first surgery, ear tubes.

Best Moment(s) This Month: Her birthday!


Eating everything
Her daddy

Sitting in my lap
Giving hugs

Favorite Toys: Anything she can stick in her mouth while she walks around. I'm not sure why she loves to do this, but she does it ALL OF THE TIME.

Hates: breastmilk in a sippy cup. She's not having it. Not a fan of carrots either, she always spits them out - haha

Food:  She eats 6oz, every 3-4 hours.  She eats solids 2-4 times a day and LOVES them! She loves eating regular food now.

Looking Forward To: hearing her start talking!

I can't believe she is ONE! Time sure does fly by the older I get.

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