Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Leah's 1st Birthday - Unicorn Theme

Happy birthday Leah Brooke!
We celebrated Leah's birthday on 4/21 and had such a great time!
We went with a unicorn theme and it was so much fun.

Village Bakery (our favorite) made the beautiful cake.

We had cupcakes and unicorn "horns".

The table spread with party snacks.

I loved this photo garland that showed each of her monthly update photos.

Smash cake time! She wasn't sure what to think of her cake. The icing was too firm for her to really dig in by herself.

She loved all of her gifts. She mainly loved the paper and bows :) 

Happy birthday, pretty girl!

Leah - 1 YEAR!

Eye Color: Hazel


Diapers:  4

  She walks 100% of the time now!
Had first surgery, ear tubes.

Best Moment(s) This Month: Her birthday!


Eating everything
Her daddy

Sitting in my lap
Giving hugs

Favorite Toys: Anything she can stick in her mouth while she walks around. I'm not sure why she loves to do this, but she does it ALL OF THE TIME.

Hates: breastmilk in a sippy cup. She's not having it. Not a fan of carrots either, she always spits them out - haha

Food:  She eats 6oz, every 3-4 hours.  She eats solids 2-4 times a day and LOVES them! She loves eating regular food now.

Looking Forward To: hearing her start talking!

I can't believe she is ONE! Time sure does fly by the older I get.