Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween - 2017

I love Halloween! This year we had Cinderella (and her carriage) and a dinosaur! This was the first year that we let Grant choose his own costume. I was pretty surprised when he chose a dinosaur! I figured he'd choose one of the PJ Masks or Paw Patrol.

We only got a couple pictures of Grant. He was a blur most of the day/night. He was running around non stop growling like a dinosaur.  The fact that we were able to get one decent picture was a miracle.

Leah isn't mobile yet, so she was easier :)

My husband decided to get creative and turn our Radio Flyer wagon into Cinderella's carriage. This worked out great since Leah is only 6 months and has to be pushed around.

I think she was laughing at Grant here. She thinks he is hilarious!

Love this shot! My husband takes the best pictures.

Her smiles make up for all of the exhaustion :)

I love this picture.  The look Leah is giving her big brother cracks me up. I can totally see them in about 12 years and her being annoyed and exasperated with him - haha.

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