Monday, October 30, 2017

Halloween - 2017

I love Halloween! This year we had Cinderella (and her carriage) and a dinosaur! This was the first year that we let Grant choose his own costume. I was pretty surprised when he chose a dinosaur! I figured he'd choose one of the PJ Masks or Paw Patrol.

We only got a couple pictures of Grant. He was a blur most of the day/night. He was running around non stop growling like a dinosaur.  The fact that we were able to get one decent picture was a miracle.

Leah isn't mobile yet, so she was easier :)

My husband decided to get creative and turn our Radio Flyer wagon into Cinderella's carriage. This worked out great since Leah is only 6 months and has to be pushed around.

I think she was laughing at Grant here. She thinks he is hilarious!

Love this shot! My husband takes the best pictures.

Her smiles make up for all of the exhaustion :)

I love this picture.  The look Leah is giving her big brother cracks me up. I can totally see them in about 12 years and her being annoyed and exasperated with him - haha.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Leah - 6 Months

Eye Color: Dark Blue/Grey

Baby girl loves to eat! She weighed 19lbs, 12.5 oz at her 6 month checkup, which puts her in the 95th percentile for weight, while she was only in the 34th percentile for height lol


  Sitting unassisted.  Eating solids. Responds to her name. Shows curiosity about things and tries to get things that are out of reach. When standing, supports weight on legs and bounces. Transfers toys from one hand to another. Can hold her bottle herself for a little while.

Best Moment(s) This Month: She sits up by herself!

Bottles & Solid Food
Sitting up and playing with toys
Playing with her big brother
When we talk to her - she smiles SO BIG when we talk to her
Jumping in her jumperoo

Favorite Toys: Loves to bounce in her jumperoo. She loves to chew on Sophie the giraffe.

Hates: Not a fan of changing clothes right now, but other than that she's pretty easy going!

Food:  She eats 5-6oz, every 3-4 hours.  She eats solids 1-2 times a day and LOVES them! Hated the mac and cheese, but has loved everything else we've tried.

Looking Forward To: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas :)