Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Leah - 1 Month

Exactly 1 Month Old :)

Leah is 2 months old today, but I'm going to do 2 separate posts to break down how things have changed :)

5 days old

Age: 1 Month

  11 lbs - this girl loves to eat as much as her brother did. She was already over her birth weight by her 2 week appointment.

Eye Color:
Dark Blue/Grey


  She has decent head control at this point, but no real milestones yet.

Best Moment(s) This Month:  She sleeps pretty darn good!

Being Swaddled
Looking at our faces

Favorite Toys: Not a fan of anything at this point and she'd rather be held than left to herself on a play mat or bouncer.

Taking a bath
Diaper changes

Food:  I only nursed her for about a week before I called it quits and started pumping. After successfully pumping for Grant for a year, I much preferred it to the pain of breastfeeding.  I salute all of the mamas who power through bleeding, cracked nipples.  I wasn't strong enough.  She eats 3oz, every 2 hours.

Looking Forward To: seeing her personality come out and seeing her interact with Grant.
4 days old

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