Thursday, February 23, 2017

32 Weeks - Baby #2

How far along: 32 weeks, 0 days

Total weight gain: around 27 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: Yep. 

Stretch Marks: Not yet

Sleep:  It's pretty bad right now. I wake up 4+ times to go to the bathroom and I have an awful cold. I cough and have a hard time breathing at night.

Best moment this week: We took maternity pictures! I LOVE how they came out.

Here are my favorites:

Movement: So much! This girl feels HUGE.  I honestly don't know how in the world she can get any bigger because it feels like she's going to crawl through my stomach when she moves now. It's really crazy how the placenta location makes such a big difference. I barely felt Grant at 9 months and she feels like a giant at 7 months. It blows my mind I have 11 weeks to go.

Food cravings: Mexican food! I want nachos every day. Salsarita's is my new fav haha 

Anything making you queasy: Nothing in particular. Just have nausea if I skip my Diclegis.

Have you started to show yet:  Yep.  I'm huge. 

Gender prediction:  It's a girl! Leah Brooke.

Labor signs:  still having some Braxton Hicks when I walk fast, but that's it. Nothing consistent yet. 

Belly Button:  It's completely flat now.

Wedding Rings:  Off :( 

Happy or Moody:  Ugh so moody.

Weekly Wisdom:  Nothing wise this week haha

Milestones: Maternity pictures are done and Leah's room is almost finished. We have a TON of clothes that are all washed and put away so I feel pretty ready. 

Looking forward to: Finding out if she's head down and sunny side up.  I'm REALLY hoping we don't have a repeat of Grant's labor.

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