Sunday, October 30, 2016

Baby #2 - it's a...

We can't believe it! I sobbed when they told me. I am so excited to get to experience a little boy and a little girl.  I can't wait to see Grant protect his little sister.
Baby girl was measuring almost a week ahead at this ultrasound. She was long with long arms and legs.  It sounds like baby girl will be taking after her momma! Grant is an exact replica of his daddy, so I'm excited and hopeful to see some of me in this baby.
I got confirmation that my placenta is in the back, which explains why I've been feeling so much movement already.  Baby girl is a mover too! I think she is going to have a much different personality from Grant. Grant was always pretty still and was chill in the womb, and that is how he is now. I'm thinking we may have our hands full with #2!
Another cool thing, baby girl kept sleeping with her hand over her head, which Grant did in the womb (and still does!) It's so crazy to see similar mannerisms between her and Grant already.
Absolutely no name yet. David and I shoot each other down every time we make a suggestion. It's a long process - haha. I've already got a nursery planned out though!


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