Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Grant - 11 months!

My FAVORITE expression from Grant. Such a sweet smile!

Just enjoying an afternoon at the park.

Happy boy!

Age: 11 months


Eye Color:
Looking hazel or green now.

PJs: 12-18M, Onesies:  12-18M. Shirts: 12-18M Pants: 12M & 18M

Size 4
  *Can stand for a few seconds on his own.
*He's surprisingly steady!
*Cruises furniture like a champ
*Can walk holding on to the walker or our hands
*Says Mama, Dada
*Has 4 teeth, a top tooth just broke through on 4/27/15
*Took his first UNASSISTED step on 4/23/15, took two steps on 4/26/15.  Still wobbly and not confident, but we are working on his walking skills :)
*Took SIX steps on 4/27/15!

Best Moment(s) This Month:  He's so much more independent.  He wants to eat everything we are eating. He loves to chase the cats across the house while laughing.  He pulls up on everything and tries to eat everything he finds on the ground (cat food, june bugs, etc.) Gross! He's also so close to walking.

Loves: *to pull up on everything
*to put EVERYTHING in his mouth
*to eat what Mom and Dad are trying to eat
*Splashing in the bath
*He is OBSESSED with Cheerios! He could eat them non stop all day if I let him.

Favorite Toys:
Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Bounce, Stride and Ride Elephant
Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Bounce, Stride and Ride Elephant

 Fisher-Price Musical Lion Walker
Fisher-Price Musical Lion Walker

*getting his face cleaned after eating baby food
*getting his snot sucked out/wiping off his nose

Food:  Getting about 24-30oz of BM a day and 2-4 containers of baby food, plus random solids throughout the day (crackers, cheerios, vanilla wafers).  We've also started feeding him a large lunch or dinner meal.  He is very interested in solid food now and wants a bite of what we are eating!

Looking Forward To: Walking!

Grant's first trip to the zoo!

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