Monday, May 19, 2014

38 Weeks - Sunny Side Up, Back pain, Insomnia!

How far along: 38 weeks

Total weight gain: About 40 lbs.  :(

Maternity Clothes: Too big for most of my maternity clothes now.

Stretch Marks: None on my tummy.

Sleep: Horrible. I had an awful case of insomnia last night.  I tried the couch, watching tv, reading, sleeping propped up on pillows, and nothing could get me to fall asleep.  I ended up getting about an hour and half of sleep :(

Best moment this week: Being lazy all weekend.

Worst symptom(s) this week: Insomnia, Awful back pain!

Movement: Lots of movement going on in there.

Food cravings:  Nothing much right now. I get full very fast and stay full longer.  Guess my stomach is really squished at this point.

Anything making you queasy:  Being really full and getting hot.

Have you started to show yet:  Yep.

Gender prediction:  It's a BOY! Grant James Martinez

Labor signs: 1 cm dilated today.  Had a few inconsistent contractions.  Lots of back pain.  Found out that the baby is "sunny side up" right now, which is causing my back pain.  I really hope he turns himself around before D-Day so I can avoid back labor. 

Belly Button:   Flat.

Wedding Rings:  Nope.

Happy or Moody:  Moody. 

Milestones: It's crazy that we are already at 38 weeks.  I'm so ready for our little man to get here, but he doesn't seem to be in any hurry.  Everything is ready, just waiting on Grant!

Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment next week.  I only have 1 more appointment between now and my due date, so I am REALLY hoping he decides he's ready to be born! I'm hoping he turns himself around so that I can start dilating faster and can have an easier delivery too.

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