Tuesday, March 11, 2014

28 Weeks - Officially Third Trimester!

Baby, fetus at 28 weeks - BabyCenter
How far along: 28 weeks, 1 day

Total weight gain: About 30 lbs. - Just went to the doctor yesterday :( I've got to start working out again, but I'm so tired! I did go for a walk yesterday so maybe I will get back on track these last few weeks.

Maternity Clothes: Yep.  David laughs when I try to wear a non-maternity tank top because the bottom of my belly hangs out lol

Stretch Marks: Not yet, my tummy is starting to get itchy though!

Sleep:  Horrible.  I'm so tired, but my back is really hurting and I have to go to the bathroom so many times! I think I went 4-5 times last night.

Best moment this week:  My doctor's appointment went really well yesterday.  I expressed a little concern that I hadn't felt the baby move much the previous couple of days, but assumed it was because of my anterior placenta or the baby's position.  The doctor immediately gave me an ultrasound to check on the baby and everything looked great.  He was rolling around in there, but I just don't feel anything! I only feel the strong kicks and jabs.  I think the ultrasound upset Grant because after a couple of minutes he started kicking me hard!

Worst symptom(s) this week: Reflux, I can feel my throat burning from acid coming up. Bloody boogers and nosebleeds show up every morning now.  Gross, I know. Constant backache, no position seems to relieve it.

Movement:Still moving around.  After a slow weekend, he was back to kicking me while I ate my breakfast this morning.

Food cravings:  Mexican food, blueberry waffles with tons of syrup, and orange juice! 

Anything making you queasy:  When I get overheated or eat too much, but I haven't gotten sick in about 2 weeks which is great!

Have you started to show yet:  I swear it gets bigger overnight.  Here's a shot from a few days ago.

Gender prediction:  It's a BOY! Grant James Martinez

Labor signs:  Too soon!

Belly Button:  In, but getting shallower.

Wedding Rings:  On most of the time, but there were 2 days that I was too swollen to get it on.  It's on today though :)

Happy or Moody:  Happy

Milestones:  Made it to the 3rd trimester! The nursery is REALLY coming together now too and it's so exciting to see.  Oh and we have a date for our first shower, March 29! I've been in full nesting mode for a few weeks and it's been so hard not to go to the store and buy everything on our registry. I'm ready to get past the showers so that we can finish getting everything ready for Grant's arrival.

Looking forward to: Our baby shower and finishing up the nursery.

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