Monday, February 10, 2014

24 Weeks - with ultrasound photos!

We were able to get some AMAZING shots of Grant today, so I have to share the cuteness!

Sitting with his legs crossed! And his chin looks just like his Daddy :)

Big yawn!

Sweet face :)

Deep in thought lol

How far along: 24 weeks, 0 days

Total weight gain: About 20 lbs. 

Maternity Clothes: Yep.  I discovered Pink Blush Maternity and LOVE their clothes! 
Stretch Marks: Not yet, my tummy is starting to get itchy though!

Sleep:  Hasn't been going well.  My hips have been hurting a lot, and I keep waking up on my back! No matter how many pillows I wedge around me, I still somehow manage to lay on my back.

Best moment this week:  Finding out that his heart looks perfect.  I had to go to a follow up ultrasound because they couldn't see his heart well 4 weeks ago.  Today they confirmed that everything looked perfect. 

Worst symptom this week: Heartburn :(

Movement: Yes!  I can see his kicks from the outside now! My tummy looks like it's having a tiny muscle spasm, it's so fun to watch. I can definitely tell he is getting bigger and stronger.  The kicks are much more substantial. 

Food cravings:  Tobasco!!

Anything making you queasy: Got sick a few times last week... drinking water on an empty stomach was the cause once, and another time I think I ate too much Mexican food.

Have you started to show yet:  Yes! Strangers ask me when I am due now.

Gender prediction:  It's a boy! Confirmed at 15, 20, and 24 weeks!

Labor signs:  Too soon!

Belly Button:  In, but getting shallower.

Wedding Rings:  On, but I had a couple of mornings where my fingers were swollen.

Happy or Moody:  Happy

Milestones: Cleaned out the room for the nursery and set up the crib and changing table.  The bedding will be in today so I will get that set up this evening!

Looking forward to:  Getting the results of my glucose test.  I really hope I passed!

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