Monday, January 6, 2014

19 Weeks

How far along: 19 weeks, 0 days
Total weight gain: About 10 lbs. 
Maternity Clothes: 1 pair of jeans and 1 shirt so far.  I see a big shopping trip in my near future.  None of my clothes fit anymore!
Stretch Marks: Not yet
Sleep:  Sleep has been rough the past week.  I'm dealing with a lingering cough from the flu and I wake up all night coughing.
Best moment this week:  I think I'm getting closer to being well.  I don't cough 24/7 anymore, so I feel like I am improving!
Worst symptom this week: I started getting heartburn this week and I've also been getting stabbing pain in my lower back/hip area when I walk.
Movement: I've had a few moments where I think I feel something, but it's always so quick that I'm not sure.  I'm hoping that by next week he is big enough that I can feel something and know for sure it's him.
Food cravings:  Mandarin oranges
Anything making you queasy: Drainage :(
Have you started to show yet:  Yes! My belly is looking pretty round at this point. My bellybutton is getting shallower too. 
Gender prediction:  It's a boy! Confirmed!
Labor signs:  Too soon!
Belly Button:  In, but getting shallower.
Wedding Rings:  On!
Happy or Moody:  Happy
Milestones: I think we found crib bedding we like.  We are also closer to deciding on a middle name.
Looking forward to:  Feeling movement.  I'm still hoping I can feel something by week 20.

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