Monday, December 2, 2013

14 Weeks - We have a bump!

How far along: 14 weeks, 0 days
Total weight gain: About 7-8 lbs.  Haven't gained anything since week 12.
Maternity Clothes: Only have 1 pair of jeans.  My normal shirts still fit for the most part.
Stretch Marks: Not yet
Sleep:  I've been sleeping a lot better.  I've even been waking up before my alarm.
Best moment this week:  Hitting 14 weeks! Officially in the 2nd trimester!
Movement: Nothing yet, but I'm hoping for small flutters soon.
Food cravings:  Italian
Anything making you queasy: Nausea is FINALLY going away.  I haven't been sick in almost a week now.  Still have some nausea though.
Have you started to show yet:  I have a tiny bump!
Gender prediction:  Been dreaming about boys and girls, so who knows!
Labor signs:  Too soon!
Belly Button:  In!
Wedding Rings:  On!
Happy or Moody:  Still moody! 
Milestones: In the 2nd trimester!
Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender in 7 days :)

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