Tuesday, November 15, 2011

First Post - Nails

I'm new to the blogging world, but I've decided to document my crafts and creations that I've worked on recently.  My newest obsession is painting my nails.  Here are a few of my favorites that I've done recently:

I LOVE this color blue! I have looked for this color for a while and finally found this gorgeous color by Essie, "Borrowed & Blue".  It is going to be a color that I use often.

This was my first venture at marble nails.  I saw this on Pinterest and knew that I had to master this technique.  I found a very good tutorial on YouTube here: Marble Nail Tutorial

I love pink, so I decided to try out a pink and black marble design.  Not as good as my orange and black, but I'm still working on my swirl designs.

I love this color by OPI - "Be a Dahlia Won't You".  I decided to add glitter tips to spice it up :)

That's all I have for now, but I am already planning my next manicure!

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