Friday, October 12, 2018

Halo Beauty - Review *3 Months*

Okay, so I am finally sitting down to write out my thoughts on Tati's Halo Beauty supplements.

First off, I have to admit that when she launched this product I said it was a complete money grab and there was no way I would buy it.  I 100% did not believe that a supplement would have an effect on my skin.

However, I was SO WRONG. I don't know what is in these supplements, but my skin felt so hydrated and my face skin felt "plumped" up. I don't know how else to describe it! I have very dry skin now that I'm 30 (and had 2 babies), but when I was taking Halo regularly, I would wake up and my face would be almost glow. It wasn't greasy, but it looked hydrated. It really was the craziest thing. I took the original Halo HSN supplement for almost 2 months and then Tati came out with Kiwi.

The one drawback to the OG Halo was that it clogged my pores.  It didn't make me exactly break out, but I would get a lot of clogged pores when I was using it. I thought it might be the Biotin, so Kiwi was a perfect option.

I've been taking Kiwi for a few weeks, and it gives me the flawless looking face that I love, without the clogged pores. I also like that it's cheaper and I only need 1 capsule a day. I have thick hair and strong nails anyway, so the Biotin was really wasted on me.  Now, the effect on my skin is slightly less with Kiwi than Halo.  It still looks plump and smooth, but it's not quite as hydrated feeling.  

The biggest difference to me was how my makeup sits on the skin when I am on the supplement. It looks so smooth and flawless. I honestly don't know what it is in the supplement that plumps your skin, but I can tell a difference when I stop taking it for about 3 days.  I personally leave it on my desk at work and only take it M-F.

Halo also upset my stomach sometimes, but Kiwi seems to be a little more gentle.  Sometimes I feel a little bit of nausea if I don't take it with food. I'm sure that will vary for everyone though.

I wish I had an amazing before/after picture, but honestly my skin wasn't bad before. It's more of a texture/feeling difference that doesn't really translate to photos. I feel like Halo did slightly reduce some old acne scars that I had, and since I've been on Kiwi I have had very few breakouts. I don't break out too often anyway, so I don't know how much of that I can credit to the supplements.

Would I recommend these to someone? Absolutely.  A coworker of mine ordered Halo after saying that I was glowing about a week in to my first bottle. She could tell my skin looked different.  If you don't need the Biotin for hair/nails, I'd suggest going with Kiwi.  It has worked with my skin better and I prefer the cheaper price tag.  If you wait for Tati to do a free shipping weekend, it's even cheaper :)

So, that's my review! I know everyone had a strong reaction to Tati releasing supplements, but as crazy as it sounds, they did actually work for me! Like I said, I didn't have any huge skin concerns other than being 30 and dry, but I can tell a difference when I stop taking them.

Hope that helps!

XO - Lindsay