Monday, June 18, 2018

Halo Beauty - Review *Day 1*

When Tati hyped her "new line" I was ecstatic. I had already decided I would buy something. I love Tati! She's around my age, so I feel like I can relate to her.  We aren't 18, so we are dealing with different skin than the young YouTubers.  However, I was totally bummed when she revealed that Halo Beauty was a vitamin. Really bummed.  And it was pricey! It's more than I would spend on an eyeshadow palette.  

About 2 months later I started to see Before and After shots, and I was intrigued.  I have really dry skin.  Ever since I had my son (4 years ago), my face is super dry! After having my daughter a year ago, my hair is dry, my eyelids are dry, it's just a problem. Don't even get me started on my aging skin... I just don't even want to go there. It makes me sad. 

The Before and After photos got me thinking. I don't need long hair or nails, my genetics are good there.  I could use some help hydrating and plumping my skin though.  So I caved, and bought a bottle for way too much money.  I'm giving it a shot, and we will see what happens.  Unless it's literally magic in a bottle, I can't see myself spending this kind of money on it every month.  

I took my first dose yesterday and made sure to get a good "Before" shot of my makeup free face.  Ugh, I never thought I'd post a makeup free photo, EVER. So here is my 30 year old bare face in all of it's tired glory.

We will see what Halo can do for me and if I think it's worth the $44.90 (shipped) price tag.  I may do weekly check ins to record my progress, I guess it just depends on when I start to see any changes!