Monday, January 22, 2018

Leah - 9 Months

Eye Color: Hazel



  1/8/18: Bottom two teeth broke through!
1/3/18: Started CRAWLING!
1/7/18: Sleeping through the night, FINALLY! (we had a few minor setbacks when her teeth started coming in, but we seem to be back to sleeping all night again. Thank goodness!)

Best Moment(s) This Month: There were so many this month! Crawling, sleeping through the night, having her reach out to us when she wants one of us to hold her - all of those have been so much fun to experience.  Sleeping all night has to be my favorite though. Mama was tired. She also experienced her first snow! Not a big fan :) She only slept all night for about 4 days and then she got hit with another double ear infection. So we are back to waking up a few times a night again :( Maybe after her ears get better it will improve?

Bottles, baby food, graham crackers
When we talk/play with her

Favorite Toys: She wants everything that is not a toy.  She loves flashlights, remote control, our cell phones, etc. She does seem to be a fan of this super cheap dollar store toy I bought for her stocking - haha. See below :)

Image result for dollar general baby cell phone

Hates: being sick, changing diaper/clothes, wiping her face.

Food:  She eats 6oz, every 3-4 hours.  She eats solids 2 times a day and LOVES them! We also started giving her graham crackers to get her accustomed to new textures.

Looking Forward To: First birthday, talking, walking :)

Here are a few snow day pictures of both kids. We live in Texas and only get snow about every 3 years, so we get excited - haha