Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Leah - 5 Months

Eye Color: Dark Blue/Grey


  Laughing!! Almost sitting unassisted.  Eating solids.

Best Moment(s) This Month: She laughed!! Grant was talking to her while I was washing bottles and I heard her start laughing. I was able to catch it on camera :)

Sitting up (Loves the Sit Me Up!)
Looking at her brother
When we talk to her - she smiles SO BIG when we talk to her

Favorite Toys: She's starting to bat and grab the toys on her little activity gym, but that's the only interest in toys so far.

Hates: She doesn't really HATE much of anything. She's such an easy baby.  If she is full and well rested, she is a happy camper for the most part.  Lately she does get bored and doesn't like it when we leave her alone. She likes a lot of attention and face to face talking right now.

Food:  She eats 4oz, every 2-3 hours.  She started on solids last week.

Looking Forward To: Sitting completely unassisted. Crawling. Babbling. Her Halloween costume :)