Monday, November 21, 2016

18 weeks - Baby #2

How far along: 18 weeks, 2 days

Total weight gain: About 5 lbs. Not too bad.

Maternity Clothes: Yep. All maternity now for the most part. Every now and then I squeeze into a regular shirt, but they are too short and I have to wear something underneath.

Stretch Marks: Not yet

Sleep:  Horrible. Ugh. 

Best moment this week:  I love feeling baby girl move a lot now. I also had a bonus ultrasound yesterday due to some pain I was having. :)

Movement: Lots of little jabs and kicks.

Food cravings: Salad. Weird, I know. I've never been a salad person, but lately they sound SO good! I've been having salad at least a few times a week. This is one of my healthiest cravings lol

Anything making you queasy: Still throwing up daily. I'm very irritated about this. I'm starting to worry I may throw up the entire pregnancy. *I wrote this a week ago, and now that I am 18w2d, I think I may be done throwing up! I've gone 3 days without being sick. I still have slight nausea, but I haven't actually been sick. I'm too scared to stop the Diclegis yet since I still have slight nausea. If I go a full week without throwing up, I will attempt to stop my meds.

Have you started to show yet:  Yep. I showed much faster with baby #2! 

Gender prediction:  It's a girl! 

Labor signs:  Too soon!

Belly Button:  In!

Wedding Rings:  On!

Happy or Moody:  Ugh so moody.

Weekly Wisdom:  I am so happy this will be my last pregnancy. I am just not made to carry babies. My body rebels against it. I wish I glowed and loved every second, but that's just not what happens for me.

Milestones: Well into the 2nd trimester! Hopefully I am done throwing up every day now.

Looking forward to:  Choosing a name.  This is always the hardest part. I'm so tired of being sick. I'm really looking forward to the anatomy ultrasound in a couple of weeks too.