Saturday, November 29, 2014

Grant - 6 Months!


Grant is 6 months old! Half a year. Wow.  Sometimes it still feels crazy that I am a mom, and it definitely feels crazy that I have a 6 month old! He's growing up so stinking fast and I just want to slow down time so I can enjoy these moments.

Age: 6 months

   17 lbs!

Eye Color:
Looks like a mix of hazel and brown right now.

PJs: 6/9 months, Onesies:  6M and 9M. Pants: 6M

  Size 2, moving to size 3 as soon as we run out of 2s.

  *Looks around at things
*Puts toys in mouth
*Rolls onto side all of the time
*Bounces on legs :)
*Sits unassisted!
*Holds the bottle by himself! (did this for the first time on Thanksgiving) 

Best Moment(s) This Month:  We finally have heard him laugh a few times.  We have to work HARD for it though! He is def not a giggly baby lol

Loves: *The Jumperoo
*Chewing on his hands
*Playing Peek-a-Boo
*Standing up and bouncing

Hates: *Tummy time
*Being left to play by himself for too long

Food:   STILL pumping and giving him breastmilk (I made it to my original goal of 6 months! Yay!) He's had some solids (green beans, apples, bananas), but not every day. He's really enjoying the foods we've tried, but he's fine if we skip it too.

Looking Forward To: His first Thanksgiving and Christmas!

 I am looking forward to all of our "firsts" with Grant this year.  First Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's.  Last Christmas we were imagining what it was going to be like with a baby, and now we are getting ready to experience it. :)